Water Heater Replacement Cost calculator

Use our replacement cost calculator below to get an estimate of supplies, labor, permits and installation cost for your hot water heater replacement.

Estimated Cost Calculator

Water Heater Replacement Cost Calculator
In order to provide accurate plumbing supplies and plumber labor costs in your area, please tell us your 5-digit zip code and choose your state from the dropdown list.

Existing water heater details

Before we can provide a cost estimate, we need to know a bit about your existing water heater.
Flow rate, Gallons Per Minute
Where at your home, is the water heater located?
In your opinion, how easy is it to get to the water heater?


Conventional Gas/LP water heater replacement cost

Expansion tank: Included on all tank-style water heaters.

Drain pans: For water heaters located indoors or in areas where flooding may cause damage, we automatically include a drain pan and float switch alarm.

Insulation: For water heaters located in attics, garages, outdoors or in crawl spaces, we include insulated wraps.


Conventional electric water heater replacement cost


Tankless Gas/LP water heater replacement cost


Tankless electric water heater replacement cost


tank water heater installed


When you replace your water heater, it’s crucial to know exactly what is included in the estimate and what might incur additional costs. This water heater replacement estimate aims to provide you with a clear and transparent understanding of the services and materials covered.

Included in this Estimate

  • New water heater (tank or tankless, depending on your desired type), including delivery.
  • Removal and disposal / haul off of old water heater.
  • Expansion tank installation as needed.
  • Standard installation service, including all labor for installing the new unit, basic plumbing fittings and/or electric connections commonly needed to swap out a water heater.
  • Permit and inspection fees (as needed), to assure the installation meets local building codes and standards.

Not Included in this Estimate

  • Major plumbing modifications to existing plumbing lines or the installation of new lines.
  • Upgrades to existing systems that are now part of code enforcement and required when replacing a water heater or modifying the plumbing.
  • Structural modifications and any construction work required to accommodate the new water heater.

Estimate Cost for these Types of Water Heaters

Our water heater replacement cost estimate page is designed for two primary types of water heaters: tank and tankless.

Tank Water Heaters

Costing an average of $980 to $2,300 installed, the most common and widely used type, conventional tank water heaters store and heat water in a large tank, ensuring a ready supply of hot water as it is needed. Ideal for homes with simultaneous, multiple uses of hot water, they are generally more economical upfront but may have higher operating costs due to continuous heating.

Tankless Water Heaters

With an average cost of $1,240 to $3,800 installed, tankless systems which are commonly known as on-demand water heaters, heat the water directly without the use of a storage tank, as it passes through the heating element. They are more energy-efficient, as they only heat water when it’s needed, which can result in potential cost savings on energy bills. However, the initial installation cost can be higher than tank models.

References and Data Sources

Along with our own industry data and knowledge, we make use of several trusted resources to gather the data used for our plumbing and water heater cost calculator. It assures you the most accurate cost estimates based on scientific data from trusted resources around the USA.